Simon Diricq is the first belgian saxophonist graduated of the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique of Paris. In 2010, he won the First Grand Prix Adolphe Sax at the famous International Saxophone Competition in Dinant. He also impressed at several other competitions: First Prize Dexia (Brussels 2002), First Prize in Nantes (2004), Second Prize in Tarragona (2004), at the Rotary International Competition (Lille 2005), Premier Prix d’Honneur Ufam (Paris 2006), Laureate at the Pacem in Terris Competition (Bayreuth 2007), First Prize at the International Benidorm Competition (2010)…
As a soloist, he played with the Saõ Paulo Symphonic Orchestra, the Orchestre Royal Philharmonique de Liège, the Belgian Military Air Force Band, the Royal Band of the Guides, the Brussels Orchestral Ensemble, the Chapelle Musicale de Tournai, the Wallonia Chamber Orchestra, Het Kamerorkest, the Brussels Philharmonic Orchestra…
He is a member of the Ensemble Squillante, an original ensemble of nine saxophonists who just made three recordings, and plays also in duet with the pianist Flavien Casaccio or with Charles Michiels (Duo Ypsilon, saxophone and clarinet).
Simon Diricq, who was made honorary citizen of Dinant, birthplace of Adolphe Sax, works as a saxophone teacher at the Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussels.